“A few days ago, I was speaking with Amanda, our Director of Guest Experience. We started discussing how easy it is to take for granted that we have the luxury to work with so many talented women in all areas at Vosges. Together, we came up with the idea to create a Women Behind the Chocolate series to shine a light on all the talent, energy and love that goes into each collection, chocolate, and ingredient.
To me, Mother’s Day is not only about the moms in our life, but the other “mothers” in our lives- the best friends, the colleagues, the aunts, the caregivers, and ourselves. It is truly exciting for me, personally, to share a bit about the women on our team.”
-Katrina Markoff, Founder & Chocolatier
Meet the Women Behind the Chocolate
When women are in positions of power and leadership, a cooperative and open environment blossoms. Our ability to wear many hats and offer fresh, new perspectives is what drives our successes. Did you know that 75% of the Vosges team are women? If you add up the hard work, ideas and time spent, Vosgien women have contributed a total of 203 years to our chocolate cause.
Female driven organizations are also known for fostering a culture of longevity. 55% of our current female team members have been with us for 2+ years, and 9 of which are at C-level or director level. In fact, 81% of our C-level employees and directors are women!
This incredible environment that we have created speaks volumes. Not only in the work we do, but in the way that we treat each other, and our guests. We invite you to peek behind the purple curtain and meet a few of the many multifaceted women of Vosges Haut-Chocolat.
Amanda B.
Director of Guest Experience
Amanda’s Favorite Haut-Chocolat: The Comfort Food Tower
Shipping Specialist
“All women are mothers because we all bring life to the world in some way, so on this day that we honor and show our love for all mothers remember there is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a great one.”
Natasha’s Favorite Haut-Chocolat: The Exotic Caramel Collection

Paula C.
Chocolate Concierge
“Working for Vosges, a women-owned company, has provided me the flexibility to be the best Mother that I can and I’m able to be there for my kids and family when they need me. Vosges has always been an atmosphere of collaboration and working together to get the job done. We work together as one big family. The fact that the majority of the employees are female just adds to the feeling of working with my ‘sisters’ in arms.”
Paula’s Favorite Haut-Chocolat: Bapchi’s Caramel Toffee
Operations Supervisor
“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish. Having the honor to work with all these amazing powerful women is a blessing. Hardworking, caring, and watching us grow to continue reaching our goals is an accomplishment. It is an honor to have the opportunity to work in a company of powerful women.
No hay límite para los que nosotras, como mujeres, podemos lograr. Tener el honor de trabajar con todas estas incredíbles mujeres poderosas es una bendición. Trabajar duro, cuidarnos y vernos crecer para seguir alcanzando nuestras metas es un logro. Es un honor tener la oportunidad de trabajar en una empresa de mujeres poderosas.”
Edna’s Favorite Haut-Chocolat: The Exotic Truffle Collection

Liz K.
Design Director
“Our collaborative and supportive culture makes our collections extremely deep, unique, and powerful. ‘Burn the Ego’ is a part of our creative process. We are constantly inspiring one another and building each other up to create the next extraordinary, beautiful experience to share. Katrina is an empowering role model that always has a strong, innovative vision. We all find purpose and joy in our work and each other.”

Edith A.
R&D Technician
“Working at Vosges has been wonderful, it is literally like my second home and I am surrounded by extraordinary women, full of knowledge and experience with whom I learn a lot every day. Katrina is a strong woman with magnificent creativity that has made my five senses fly.
Trabajar en vosges ha sido maravilloso, es literalmente como mi segunda casa, estoy rodeada de mujeres extraordinaries, llenas de conocimiento y experiencia con las que aprendo mucho cada día. Katrina es una mujer fuerte con una creatividad maganifica que ha hecho volar mis cinco sentidos.”
Edith’s Favorite Haut-Chocolat: I.G.P. Piemonte Hazelnut Praline Bon Bons

Kelly C.
Senior Director of Ecommerce & Digital Growth
“I love the passionate, creative, and nurturing environment that being women-led fosters. Working with so many talented women makes me feel empowered to keep growing bother personally and professionally. I am so grateful for the supportive friendships I’ve made at Vosges and coming back from maternity leave last month has given me a whole new perspective on what it means to have a work fam.”
Kelly’s Favorite Haut-Chocolat: Peanut Butter Bon Bons