A Vosgien Easter

No matter how you celebrate, Easter is the perfect time to gather with family and friends. The blossoming beauty of Spring reminds us all to be grateful. In this time, we share a connection as we acknowledge the power of rebirth and renewal. What better time to plan an Easter fête for the ones that you love!

Incorporate Flora & Foliage

The aesthetic and setting for any event is especially important, and should be your first focus. How do you see your Easter celebration? If a traditional pastel "egg day" is your goal, opt for daisies, daffodils and fresh cut greens- like bells of Ireland (a personal favorite). If a nature inspired, goddess ceremony is more your speed, look for wildflowers, fallen branches, and swaths of tall grasses. No matter the purpose behind your festivities, the inclusion of flora and foliage will bring the energy of Spring to your doorstep. 

Curate Your Cupcakes & Cookies

Sweets are to be expected at any Easter gathering. From cakes to cookies and other confections, a little seasonal flair can go a long way. Try topping your cupcakes with our Lemon Curd Rabbits, or our Forest Rose Raspberry Rabbits. Adding a Picadilly Lemon Curd Sugar Cookie to your spread will also bring the parfums of the season to your table. 

Offer Refreshing Libations

Brightly colored, effervescent beverages are best served at a party. When planning your drink menu, be sure to incorporate seasonal fruits and opt for lighter flavors. Citruses, berries, and exotic fruits (like guava or dragon fruit) will pair well with the sweeter aspects of the day. Try a refreshing Try a refreshing Koval Cranberry Guava Cocktail for the adults and an ice cold pitcher of Katrina's Raspberry Lemonade for the kids

Easter Chocolate & A Bunny Buffet

When most people think of Easter, they think of festive Easter chocolate and pastel colored candy. So why not elevate your typical jellybean bowl to a full on Bunny Buffet. A small end table or kitchen counter bar can be quickly transformed into a grassy spring wonderland full of bunnies, marshmallows and chocolate eggs. Grab some fresh foliage from outside, or a bit of classic "glitter grass" from the market, and adorn your surface. Place serving utensils, chocolate truffles and chocolate peanut butter eggs throughout the new landscape. Be sure to add an eye-catching centerpiece- like our 1lb chocolate rabbit, Rohan. If building a bunny bar feels like extra work, don't worry! Vosges has built an Egg-straordinary Easter Bundle to get you started. 

Rohan the Regal Chocolate Rabbit

Show Gratitude- Together 

Over these last few years, many of us have been unable to gather in person. To be able to be together as family and friends wasn't even an option for quite some time. Now more than ever, we should be celebrating the moments we get to share. Set aside time at the end of the fête to put pen on paper and give thanks. Have your guests sit in a quiet circle and take a few moments accompanied by a few deep breaths. Feel the air filling your stomach, slowly exhaling out the nose. Ask everyone in the circle to write down what they are grateful for, who they are grateful for, and what they are looking to manifest in this new beginning. There is no need to share, unless they want to of course. Fold this note up on keep it on your person as a reminder of all the beauty yet to come. Relish in the day, celebrate and hold your loved ones close this Easter. 

For all your Vosgien Easter needs, shop the New! Limited Edition Dragon Collection, and our large selection of Easter Gifts